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Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Attorney of the Year Or ??
A repost from Red Herring Alert Blog...
Attorneys of the Year: Lisa Elliott
By: Scott Carlson February 8, 2018
Minneapolis family law attorney Lisa Elliott knows divorce cases are difficult.
But Elliott never imagined in 2011 the determination she would need to represent David Rucki in his marriage-dissolution and child-custody proceedings against his wife, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki.
“It was one crisis after another,” Elliott said of the litigation that spanned six years. “Every issue you can imagine came up at some point including parental alienation and custody. It was a like a sinking ship. There is a hole over there and then a hole over here. And you’ve got make sure you plug them all up to get the boat to the other side.”
Ultimately, Elliott’s tenacity prevailed in what is considered the first significant case in Minnesota dealing with parental alienation.
“Lisa successfully worked to reunite five children who had been alienated from their father by their mother,” said Patrick Elliott, Lisa Elliott’s law partner and brother. “Her client was ultimately awarded sole physical and legal custody of all five children. The mother was prosecuted in 2017 and found guilty of deprivation of parental rights by hiding two of the parties’ children on a ranch in northwestern Minnesota for 2½ years.”
Lisa Elliott said, “I like helping people through some pretty tough stages in their lives and see them come out the other side.”
The nominations were submitted by judges, bar groups, clients and attorneys.
What’s interesting is that Lisa Elliott supposedly “won” the Grazzini-Rucki marital dissolution case in 2013. Why is she winning an award in 2018? And, who wins an award for stripping someone of their children, property and finances??? Keep in mind, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s Attorney conducted the trial in handcuffs with no client or documents due to her false arrest ordered by Judge Knutson.
Michael Brodkorb
Propagandist for Missing in Minnesota
Propagandist for Missing in Minnesota
Clearly, the establishment is putting a large amount of effort into achieving a counter-image in the Grazzini-Rucki case to the point that it’s obviously contrived. Everyone knows that the media’s job is to protect the criminal enterprise and pump out what they’re told to write by the establishment. Controlled media are the masters of gaslighting and they have done a bang-up job in the Grazzini-Rucki case!
Disciplinary difficulties prompt suspension of Michelle MacDonald’s law license
The former state Supreme Court candidate will also be on probation for two years, when many restrictions will be in place.
By Paul Walsh Star Tribune JANUARY 17, 2018
EXCERPT: On the day that S.G.’s trial was set to begin, MacDonald filed a civil-rights lawsuit in federal court on S.G.’s behalf against the district judge personally, not in his official capacity. MacDonald then moved for the judge’s recusal from the case based on the pending federal lawsuit against him. The judge denied the motion, at which point MacDonald stated, “[a]nd you are telling me that you can be impartial in this trial, which you haven’t done since day one.” The referee found that this statement violated Minn. R. Prof. Conduct 8.2(a)6 and 8.4(d), because it was made with reckless disregard for the truth.
Justice Anne McKeig wrote: “MacDonald’s obstructionist behavior has undoubtedly delayed resolution for families in crisis…We fail to adequately protect the public by imposing discipline that does not fully account for the significant harms caused by MacDonald’s misconduct.”
The continued blatant demonization and discrediting of Attorney Michelle MacDonald is necessary as she is considered a threat to The Establishment’s status quo. The current court system translates into fraud and state sponsored corruption which is financially devastating individuals and families, harming children, and fleecing taxpayers. MN taxpayers are on the hook for the continued persecution of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, myself and Michelle MacDonald. Millions of dollars have been spent on investigations, trials, arrests, probation and incarceration.
They do not want controlled media to be challenged in this case, which is why I have a false harassment restraining order and gag order in an attempt to prevent me from revealing the true facts. When We Lose Free Speech-We Lose Everything. You have to ask yourself why they are so hell-bent on attacking us? The answer is simple. . . The system will always make criminals out of those who expose their criminal activities.
Fake media would have you believe that the girls were “kidnapped” from a loving father, when in reality they ran away from an aunt that lost custody of her own children. Father did not have custody and had a no contact order with the children at the time they ran away. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki immediately filed an appeal for an indefinite stay of the Order filed by Judge Knutson, denying her application for a Writ of Habeas Corpus seeking to regain the custody and care of the five children. The youngest 4 children personally informed Judge Knutson of their fears and preferences to be with their mother at a conference before Judge Knutson on February 26, 2013. Dakota County Child Protection previously initiated an investigation of the father’s abuse, but the order was ended without explanation by Judge Knutson.
The trial court has not found or even alleged that mother has ever abused or mistreated any of her children in any way. There were never any allegations that mother was a physical danger to any of her children and there was not any type of evidentiary hearing before the trial court’s intrusion and assault on this family.
Judge Knutson was elected as Assistant Chief Judge of First Judicial District in May 2017
Below is an email sent to Bill Gaier who is the president and publisher of Finance and Commerce Inc., which publishes Minnesota Lawyer, Finance & Commerce and Capitol Report.
From: Michael Volpe <>
Date: Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 11:05 AM
Subject: Lisa Elliott and David Rucki
To: Bill Gaier <>
Date: Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 11:05 AM
Subject: Lisa Elliott and David Rucki
To: Bill Gaier <>
Mr. Gaier, It’s Mike Volpe. We just spoke. my evidence on the Rucki case is below. If you do not respond, that will be a response in itself. I have also provided attachments and photos. This is public record and you apparently know nothing about this case.
David Rucki is abusive and the evidence is overwhelming, here is document one, that is 99 pages of violence against his wife, children, and anyone else who got near him, bar patrons, motorists, in-laws, etc. Number two is a twenty page CPS report, that is 99 pages of violence against his wife, children, and anyone else who got near him, bar patrons, motorists, in-laws, etc. Number two is a twenty page CPS report,
The second item includes this entry from Nico Rucki, from page 15 “The reporter stated that father told the reporter 1.5 years ago father stuck a gun to the child’s head when the child was eight years old.”
Now, if Nico told CPS that David Rucki stuck a gun to his head, why is he now saying he’s never seen his father be violent.
Second, I have recently discovered that David Rucki, along with Sandra’s sister Ann, have conspired together to raid a trust from Sandra’s father, Albert, to Sandra. This is part of a long conspiracy between Ann and David and in fact they are using the same playbook Ann used to put her parents into guardianship. You can find that court docket and photos of the trust attached. As you’ll see there is a withdrawal on November 1, 2017. Lisa Elliott represented David Rucki the petitioner. There are also photos from another trust this only to Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. As you can see that trust has been raided but Sandra Grazzini-Rucki is currently homeless and has not received a dime. That all went to David Rucki.
David Rucki has committed massive mortgage fraud.
This he did while the divorce was ongoing and obviously not reported in the divorce. As you’ll see, Lisa Elliott transferred an attorney’s lien right before and after David Rucki got foreclosed on, though he was never removed from his house. She then transferred another lien back to David Rucki all while he repeatedly was being foreclosed on. This is on the tract search, a public record.
This is a criminal conspiracy, to hide his abuse, to punish anyone who tries to get the truth out and to steal from Sandra’s father; that is RICO, Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act.
You can go and vet this story with the documents I provided. I hope you’ll do that but if you do not rescind Lisa Elliott’s award you are approving of it.
The Lakeville police mishandled the investigation of the missing Rucki sisters – worked to cover up child abuse, and tainted the investigation with bias and misinformation. Innocent children are being punished for the actions of an abuser, and those who are charged with protecting them have failed to keep them safe.
Lakeville detective receives medal of commendation
By Laura Adelmann May 27, 2016
By Laura Adelmann May 27, 2016
Lakeville Det. Jim Dronen accepts thanks from City Council Member Colleen LaBeau as the crowd gives him a standing ovation for being awarded the Medal of Commendation by Lakeville Police Chief Jeff Long at the May 16 City Council meeting. (Photo by Laura Adelmann)
A Lakeville police detective was recently awarded the Medal of Commendation for his work on a missing persons case that made national news.
Lakeville Police Chief Jeff Long awarded the medal to Det. Jim Dronen at the May 16 City Council meeting.
Long called the effort to find two missing teenage girls, Samantha and Gianna Rucki, one of the most “bizarre” cases he has seen throughout his 29-year career, and indicated there are more details that will come out in the July trial of the girls’ mother, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki.
Grazzini-Rucki is charged with multiple counts of depravation of parental rights and concealing a minor for allegedly dropping off the girls at a ranch in rural Minnesota after they ran away from home in 2013 during a child custody dispute.
The Lakeville mother of five contends she was abused by her husband, David Rucki, who has denied the accusations.
In presenting Dronen the commendation, Long cited multiple complications and issues Dronen endured while working to find the girls, discovered at western Minnesota horse ranch in November 2015 by Lakeville police and law enforcement officers serving a search warrant.
Long said the Rucki case was virtually the only one Dronen worked on while he was assigned to the detective division, and said the case had multiple false leads.
Long said he cannot say many things because of the pending trial, but he offered an assessment of those involved in the girls’ disappearance, including a former television reporter who interviewed the girls in person after they disappeared.
Long said the reporter “could have solved this (case) two years ago chose ratings over child safety,”
“Officer Dronen dealt with individuals from a dark network of adults who hide children,” Long said. “As he began to get close to solving this sick web of deception, he endured threats of lawsuits as a way to intimidate him.”
Long said law enforcement officers’ personal media sites have been “trolled,” and their photos placed on a site “intended to intimidate the officers prior to trial.”
To solve the case, Long said Dronen endured much more and weeded through thousands of emails, messages and computer files obtained in search warrants.
“We were purposefully led astray,” Long said.
He added that new information indicates that this was neither a domestic issue or a custody issue as police were led to believe.
“Many of us are now being called corrupt and being harassed by the witnesses involved in this incident,” Long said, adding it would have been easy to “fall under the fear of threats,” by putting the case aside and label it a court issue.
He said the work has multiplied since the case has progressed to attorneys.
Now in the patrol division, Long said Dronen has spent months preparing for the case and is still working on it.
“Despite obstacles, dead ends, delays and uncooperative witnesses, Jim’s commitment to finding the missing girls was commendable,” Long said.
Dronen called the case difficult, and thanked fellow officers for helping to cover the workload and providing information and help that allowed him time to work on the case.
“This case is truly a team effort,” Dronen said. “And while I wish I could speak more about everything that happened and what we went through, I really have to thank all of them for standing behind me to get this case to a successful resolution.”
In the chambers filled with police officers and firefighters, Dronen received an extended standing ovation.
Mayor Matt Little said the entire community breathed a sigh of relief when the girls were found safe.
“If you continue to receive all that pressure, we’ve got your back and we’ll support you for the whole way,” Little said.
Lakeville, Dakota County, MN: Mayor Matt Little is accused of committing fraud by lying about his address in order to meet residency requirements needed to run for office as council man, and later, mayor in Lakeville. The allegation, raised by Terry Dean, Nemmers includes, “City Of Lakeville Mayor Matt Little Doesn’t Even Reside In Lawless Lakeville? 2010 & 2012 & 2014 Affidavit Of Candidacy Proves Little Resides In Rosemount? 2016 Affidavit Of Candidacy & 2014 Lawyer License Info Prove Little Resides in Farmington? How Many Days Has Little Lived In The Lawless Shit-Hole Called The City Of Lakeville, Huh? Not A Single Day?” Scandal Alert! City Of Lakeville Mayor Matt Little Doesn’t Even Reside In Lawless Lakeville?
This was sent to then Mayor Matt Little (now Senator Matt Little) prior to my trial in September 2016.
Matt Little, Mayor of Lakeville/Resident of Farmington 09-19-16
17523 Freeport CT
Farmington, MN 55024
Call: 952-288-9660
17523 Freeport CT
Farmington, MN 55024
Call: 952-288-9660
Re: Witness tampering complaint – Rigged high-profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki case no. 19HA-CR-15-2669
This is my formal criminal complaint against David Rucki and former Star Tribune hack Michael Brodkorb for witness tampering. I have a reasonable suspicion that David Rucki and former Star Tribune hack Michael Brodkorb conspired to engage in witness tampering in the rigged high-profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki case no. 19HA-CR-15-2669. This is the legitimate complaint that the Lakeville police dept willfully refused to take from me on June 24, 2016.
My valid complaint has since been updated with more clear, precise, unquestionable and damning evidence.
609.498 TAMPERING WITH WITNESS. Subdivision 1.Tampering with witness in the first degree. Whoever does any of the following is guilty of tampering with a witness in the first degree and may be sentenced as provided in subdivision 1a: (e) by means of force or threats of injury to any person or property, intentionally coerces or attempts to coerce a person to provide false information concerning a crime to law enforcement authorities; or Use with Stalking B. Influence/Tamper/Retaliate Juror/Judicial Proceeding/Officer Minnesota Offense Codes (MOC) Revised August 2010.
609.498 TAMPERING WITH WITNESS. Subdivision 1.Tampering with witness in the first degree. Whoever does any of the following is guilty of tampering with a witness in the first degree and may be sentenced as provided in subdivision 1a: (e) by means of force or threats of injury to any person or property, intentionally coerces or attempts to coerce a person to provide false information concerning a crime to law enforcement authorities; or Use with Stalking B. Influence/Tamper/Retaliate Juror/Judicial Proceeding/Officer Minnesota Offense Codes (MOC) Revised August 2010.
It is a matter of the public record that I have been subpoenaed to testify in the rigged high-profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki case no. 19HA-CR-15-2669. In fact, it is a matter of the public record that Use Immunity was forced upon me.
After returning home on Sunday, June 12, 2016 I found what I consider a harassing and threatening extortion letter in my mailbox. The extortion letter was from David Rucki’s attorney Marsahll H. Tanick, Attorney at Law, Hellmuth & Johnson, PLLC. I had a reasonable suspicion the wild, outrageous and unsubstantiated claims contained in the harassing and threatening extortion letter were meant to intimidate me into deleting the blog, Red Herring Alert. I also had a reasonable suspicion that Rucki’s harassing and threatening extortion letter was designed to coerce me into changing not only my plea but to coerce me into changing my testimony in Sandra’s rigged case.
According to my illegally withheld, readily available, free, electronic, criminal investigative data that corrupt Assistant Dakota County Attorney Kathryn Keena was forced to provide to me, it indicated that David Rucki and Tammy Love had also coerced and intimidated Samantha Rucki into recanting her testimony.
It is a matter of the public recorded that neither the above referenced transcript nor the corresponding video statement of Samatha Rucki were allowed to be introduced by Sandra at her rigged trial.
With the corrupt people of Dakota county having the same ruthless, win-at-any-cost attitude as former Star Tribune hack Michael Brodkorb and David Rucki it makes perfect sense why Sandra would be convicted without ever receiving all her evidence. Which also explains why David Rucki and former Star Tribune hack Michael Brodkorb were able to harass and intimidate witnesses, interfere with the legal process and lie to law enforcement with impunity in Sandra’s rigged case.
You can trust me when I tell you that I have absolutely no reason to believe that either you or the corrupt City of Lakeville police dept will ever investigate my well-documented complaint against David Rucki and former Star Tribune hack Michael Brodkorb for witness tampering. And, if you do a sham witness tampering investigation, I have a reasonable suspicion that the verdict will be that David Rucki and former Star Tribune hack Michael Brodkorb did absolutely nothing wrong. Which is why I’m going to fall back onto my audio and video evidence versus your word or corrupt Lakeville police chief Jeff Long’s word.
Thank you for allowing me to prove to the world that you can’t trust any arrest, prosecution or conviction in lawless Dakota County!
As you can see, accolades, promotions and recognition are for the criminals and there are MANY involved in this case.
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