Friday, March 2, 2018

Punished 4 Protecting: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and Michael Volpe Continue to Expose Crime, Corruption in Grazzini-Rucki Case

Listen in to “Punished 4 Protecting” with Francesca Amato-Banfield and guests Michael Volpe and Sandra Grazzini-Rucki discussing updates on her case and sharing audio testimony of one of the Rucki children describing abuse she suffered at her father’s hand, and the failure of the family courts to protect her. Michael Volpe calls this the “#Metoo moment of family court”. The audio can be heard at this link: S Rucki describes abuse at her father’s and courts hands.
Michael Volpe and Sandra also reveal shocking new evidence of mortgage fraud and RICO crimes being committed by ex-husband, David Rucki.

Here are the background documents referred to during this episode. Below is the docket for one of the trusts. Note that on November 1, 2017, there is an entry for “Petition for disbursement/release of funds”. Trust Fund Register of Actions

On the first page, who is the petitioner, David Rucki.

Michael Volpe says this is evidence that David Rucki is illegally taking money from a trust that he is not entitled to, “Here is a guy who has been embezzled from two trusts, this is just what we know, two trusts of Sam’s father meant for his children. And by the way he is effectively stealing from a dead man because her father is no longer alive...“ 

Below is a photo of the other trust. Of note is that it says FBO, or for the beneficiary of, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. All the money 1636.28 shares have been withdrawn, but as Ms. Grazzini-Rucki notes in the interview, she’s received none of it. Where did it go?

Michael Volpe says about the Grazzini-Rucki case: What all of this is referred to is R.I.C.O. – racketeering influenced and corrupt organization, and that’s what you had. This entire divorce and if you go back to her (Sandra) parent’s guardianship, is one giant criminal conspiracy to embezzle, to hide abuse, to commit mortgage fraud, to get public officials to look the other way on all of it…it is no different than the rackets run by the Gambino family, it’s no different than any other R.I.C.O conspiracy..that’s how big this is and the F.B.I. should be involved…

Source: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki on Punished 4 Protecting

Thursday, March 1, 2018

But She Looks So Sweet: Digging Deeper Into Elizabeth Vargas and "Footprints in the Snow"

Originally Posted: Red Herring Alert, 12/27/2017

20/20‘s Elizabeth Vargas On Fake News, Barbara Walters, & Being A Woman On The Air

All the fake news that proliferates on social media must drive you nuts.

“It absolutely does. I mean, there’s fake news about me. There’s a lot of inaccuracies out there. As a journalist, it’s incumbent on us to really do our homework, and to really talk to all sides of the story, and explore every single angle, and get the backup that we need. There’s a lot — I don’t want to use the word fake news — but there’s a lot of false information out there in the zeitgeist, online. It’s really incumbent on those of us who pride ourselves on getting the facts right to do the work to do that. To read. To get lots of different points of views, not just one point of view.

Read More:

Yes Elizabeth, you are the expert on fake news and false information!

From: Lion News []
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 7:46 AM
To:;;;;; Beth Mullen <>;
Subject: ABC 20/20’s Elizabeth “The Drunk” Vargas forced to leave because of incriminating Sandra Grazzini-Rucki jail audio?

David Donovan, President and Executive Director New York State Broadcasters Association 518-456-8888:

You don’t think that ABC 20/20’s Elizabeth “The Drunk” Vargas forced to leave her job because of the incriminating Sandra Grazzini-Rucki jail audio, do you? Inquiring minds want to know, don’t they? By the way, why didn’t you respond to my previous revelations about “The Drunk” Vargas, huh? Oh, just so you know, the incriminating audio of the 2nd jail interview with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and “The Drunk” Vargas are found at the link below, aren’t they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

I am sorry only to have to share this news with you as we celebrate the holidays. I had hoped to make this announcement after the first of the year. Elizabeth Vargas To Exit ABC News In May by Patrick Hipes December 22, 2017 10:56am

Lion News: Unedited ABC 20/20 Elizabeth Vargas 2nd Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Ramsey Jail Interview?

Lion News: Lakeville Police Chief Long & Deputy Kornmann Harass & Hang Up On Dede?

Lion News:  Dede Evavold Exposes Corrupt Ramsey Co. Sheriff Bostrum’s Prisoner Abuse?

Lion News: Ramsey Co. Sheriff Bostrum Harasses Prisoners Dede Evavold & Sandra Grazzini-Rucki?

Lion News: Dede Evavold Reports Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorney Backstrom To Rude FBI?

Lion News: KSTP-TV’s Altmann Justice-Hating Jerk On Trial-By-Ambush For Dede Evavold?

Lion News: Dede Reports Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorney Backstrom’s Trial-By-Ambush To FBI?

Lion News: Lakeville Detective Dronen Caught Planting Evidence In Missing Rucki Girl’s Case?

Lion News: Star Tribune Hack Michael Brodkorb Caught Interfering With Missing Rucki Girl’s Probe?

Lion News: Exclusive Video Of Samantha Rucki Testifying Her Testimony Is Not Of Her Free Will?

Lion News: Exclusive Video Of Samantha Rucki Calling Dakota County Judge Knutson A “Dick”?

Lion News:  Dede Throws Monkey Wrench Into High-Profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Case?

Lion News: Audio Proves Corrupt Lakeville Police Illegally Withholding Evidence From Dede?

From: Dede Evavold
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 4:39 PM
To: ‘Dooley, Sean’ <>
Subject: Grant Funding

Hi Sean,

Below is an article from regarding federal grant funding in the courts.
Call me if you have any questions.

Dede Evavold

Top 5 HHS Programs Endangering Women and Children
05/14/2012 12:21 pm ET | Updated Jul 14, 2012
Anne Stevenson Journalist, Writer, Policy Analyst

The so-called “War on Women” is raging, and billions of your tax dollars are being misused to fuel it via the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The solution is to remove the middle class from the welfare roles and do away with gender-based funding incentives.

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 and the Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) program it created transformed welfare policy by drastically reducing and shifting federal assistance away from the homes of mothers and children and into the homes of violent offenders. In an articleentitled “How Federal Welfare Funding Drives Judicial Discretion in Child-Custody Determinations and Domestic Relations Matters” fathers and rights activists Lary Holland and Jason Bottomsly explain that this policy has backfired because the incentives are structured so that the state will only benefit if children are removed from loving homes:

Continue Reading:

The real story of the corrupt court system, Federal Funding, and the destruction of protective parents just didn’t seem to fit their narrative, so instead they engaged in deceptive editing to create their own story.

What you must always remember is that the courts are now an industry of corruption trafficking children for profit. It’s all about funding an out of control and bogus industry which cannot sustain itself through legitimate cases alone so has to create its own constant supply of fraudulent cases instead.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

One Year Anniversary: Tyranny Alert

Originally Published: Red Herring Alert Blog, 1/24/2018


One year ago today, I was released from jail. In honor of the event, the MN Supreme Kangaroo Court came out with their rejection of my Supreme Court Petition. Again, like I didn’t see that one coming.  It’s the same old regime playing the same old tricks. The bright spot… no regime lasts forever!

Speechless Minnesota: 2013/10/23 Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and Attorney Michelle MacDonald

Published on Oct 31, 2013

Tim Kinley discusses judicial corruption in the case of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, with Sandra and Attorney Michelle MacDonald.  This case is another example of out of control judicial actions.  Listen to the testimony from these women as they detail the unbelievable actions that are taking place in our court rooms.  Clear evidence for the need for judicial accountability.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Why Corporate Media’s 20/20 Flipped The Narrative In The Grazzini-Rucki Case

Originally Posted: Red Herring Alert Blog 1/26/2018

“The media serve the interests of state and corporate power, which are closely interlinked, framing their reporting and analysis in a manner supportive of established privilege and limiting debate and discussion accordingly.”
~Noam Chomsky, American linguist and US media and foreign policy critic~

As most of you know, ABC’s 20/20″ aired “Footprints in the Snow” in April of 2016 and rebroadcast the episode with updated information in March 2017. Since then, there have been numerous repeat broadcasts on Discovery Communication’s Investigative Discovery channel.
20/20 suppressed evidence of abuse in the Grazzini-Rucki case, and slanted the story, in order to portray mother, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, and myself as “vigilante parents” and “family court critics” who participated in a child-kidnapping network operating in a “hidden world”. In pushing this false story, ABC 20/20 covered up domestic abuse, and encouraged viewers to disregard cries for help from children who courageously spoke up to disclose the physical and mental abuse they endured at the hands of a violent father.

So many people have asked me why 20/20 would go to such great lengths to cover-up the crimes committed by county judges and attorneys in small town Minnesota?

Here’s the deal, Family Courts are “government” and as such are supported by public funding. A multibillion dollar enterprise has been created by the family court divorce, domestic abuse and child abuse industries. Currently, non-profit and for profit advocacy groups nationwide are obtaining court connected federal funding through the Dept. of Health and Human Services to influence custody cases. Very few people are making the connection between federal policy, private nonprofit providers, and the local courthouse.

The information below is from various articles written by Victoria Englund from LET’S GET HONEST BLOG. and explains how the family legal system is NOT broken as many people that have a financial stake in it would like you to believe.

Our country is changing FAST and it’s time for people that want to engage in dialogue about what’s wrong with the legal system learn to do so in some detail, and learn what they’re talking about.
To justify that a family legal system is somehow “broken” a person would have to show what it was before it was broken and determine who or what force broke it. So far, I haven’t found anyone who can — AFCC started this (with CRC and some others, NACC — look it up) and is still running it.
I get very irritated when I hear that phrase about it’s broken. Usually people saying it are wanting to “fix” it for their particular agenda — rather than acknowledging that the agenda should be justice and due process. Which is incompatible with having anything run where psychologists have an equal voice with attorneys and judges; that’s absolutely ridiculous (psychology is basically a religion from my point of view…it is one of many frameworks from which life can be viewed, and it most definitely is not a science in the normal sense of the word.)

Is the Family Legal System “broken”? No, that’s a lie. It’s a system. Systems have designers, they have operators, and they have funders The Family Law System was set up to perpetuate conflict, for profit. IT was ALSO set up to make sure retired judges, attorneys, and most especially anyone not a judge or attorney, but in the mental health fields (like psychology, psychiatry, etc.) continues to have a paying profession and a very smart retirement plan.

The family court system has also (alas) been subject to influence by federal funding to the states to promote marriage and fatherhood through a grant series supporting the setup of (in my state, for example): Mediation, Parent Education, Supervised Visitation, Counseling for Parents . . . . . Based on the premise that these programs and running parents (rather, forcing parents in many cases) through them, with a token acknowledgment of domestic “abuse” versus Domestic VIOLENCE.
The premise that one can have just a “better” domestic violence court — rather than treating domestic violence properly as a crime, is a joke.

In reality, today’s family courts incorporate a wide variety of dispute resolution procedures and are populated by professionals from multiple disciplines. Many jurisdictions have unified family courts that group a range of issues – from divorce and custody to juvenile crime to child support – under one roof, with a single judge.
Specialized courts for domestic violence, drug abuse, and permanency planning also dispense both mental health and legal services, involving the courts in interventions in the family that are designed to meet therapeutic goals.

Only problem — that’s not what courts are for.  Civil courts are not “therapeutic.”  Criminal courts are not “therapeutic” in intention.  Torts are about breach of contract.  Crimes are about crimes.  But family law is about therapy — whether or not we want it, and we must pay for it because of a
divorce and (seeing as divorce normally involves inability to get along) we can’t figure out the kid thing?  How is a woman supposedt to “figure out” a parenting plan with a man that’s been assaulting her — and why does he even GET a parenting plan, rather than just OUT?

The answer lies, among other places,  in welfare reform, and the need of certain professionals to maintain their profession.

As a result, family court judges not only serve as adjudicators – they may also oversee a multi-disciplinary group of service providers all engaged with the children and families whose cases are before the court. This complex mix of professions, skills and roles is still evolving. In addition to lawyers and judges, mediators, custody evaluators, guardians ad litem, parent educators and parenting coordinators are all powerful actors in today’s family courts. Indeed, today’s family lawyer works in a world where understanding the work of dispute resolution and mental health professionals may be as essential as knowledge of governing statutes and constitutional doctrine
And THAT, my friends, is why you can’t reform it.  You cannot really separate AFCC (which is a ring of judges, to start with, and ongoing) from the family law system — because one basically started the other in Southern California this long ago.  It’s about fraud, kickbacks, and mental health professionals with their captive audiences.  PERIOD.

You pump in child abuse, or wife abuse or other criminal matters into this system, and it will come out (years later) ground up and re-packaged (shrink-wrapped) as a “family problem” that these people need to solve.

We have seen this in action, far from the conferences and the classrooms.  It punished mothers who protest  abuse and has them paying $200 an hour, or $75 an hour to see their own kids — after they report any abuse.  If they get to do even that.  if they flee with the children, they are hunted down and jailed, or punished with total removal, at times — and that includes from overseas.  If they protest and expect child support to actually be enforced, and go to the local child support agency to do so, that agency (behind their backs) is literally being PAID (by the Federal Govt – taxpayers) — to recruit fathers into programs (that enrich people running the programs) to engage in frivolous litigation in exchange for reduced or eliminated child support — or what’s even more of a triumph, Dad gets custody and MOM pays him child support, even after abuse.

You cannot “reform” this.  We need to understand the foundations — and that things not built on a solid foundation (and this one sure ain’t) will need to be propped up and endanger others near it.
We need to understand also that anything which had a defined BEGINNING can as well have a DEFINED end.

You do not “reform” things that are this far off the mark.  You boycott them. You find ways to shut them down based on their misappropriation of federal funds AND you teach others how to do this.

I am just undressing the thing a little bit here – it’s NOT about law, it’s about endless education, and money laundering seems to be a innate part of the operational system, as witnessed when people get caught.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
Richard Gardner
The AFCC claims their focus is on training judges, custody evaluators and mediators about custody and divorce issues. But in reality they are a father focused organization and promoting alienation theories to explain away family violence by men. In reality they act as a “clearinghouse” for organized case rigging.  They hold conferences about parental alienation but never mention the many professional experts who have condemned it as harmful to children or the link to incest promoter Richard Gardner.  Their  scheme involves “recruiting” male litigants through fathers groups and federal HHS programs managed by the local child support agencies for program “services” which are ostensibly for helping non-custodial fathers get their visitation rights so they would have less incentive to default on child support obligations.  Instead the fathers get deals to have their support obligations closed and sent to a program paid attorney to litigate for custody.  The judge hearing these cases provides payments to the court-colluding fathers attorney and other supposedly “neutral” court evaluators.   None of this is disclosed to the targeted female litigant who sometimes is also ordered to pay the fees of these court professionals (e.g. illegal double billing).  The father is encouraged to file repeated motions (usually on frivolous claims of visitation denial or alienation) so the co-conspiring court professionals can get a steady stream of government payments.  It appears the judge handling these cases gets a kickback from those being paid (with his approval) based on a few exposed examples.  This is what keeps their litigation game going and going.  They label it high-conflict bitter custody litigation to hide their own fraud.  They blame the mother for everything and keep her away from her children so she will be desperate to go back to court and get a chance to convince them of the truth (which of course they already know, and are exploiting perversely against her).
Many federal departments have initiatives and programs supporting responsible fatherhood and fathers in the community.  Below are just some of the programs developed for fathers.
© 2007 National Fatherhood Initiative Improving the Well ...

There are many terrific and honest  father`s rights groups across the U.S. Unfortunately, there are also wide spread corrupt fathers’ rights groups that pocket federal grant funds while allowing severe trauma to children. Fathers Rights – is the term used for the federal funding used in the fraud and corruption. Fathers Manifesto Groups discovered a malicious way to take advantage of the billions handed to State Agencies and abuse and control their ex-girlfriend/spouse.

Government programs are not producing responsible fathers, but motherless children, in order to advance the agenda of the so-called “fathers’ rights” movementBased on information from the National Alliance for Family Court Justice

The Best Interest of the Abuser: GAL Julie Friedrich

(Dakota County, Minn: 9/05/2012) A deeper look into Dakota County Guardian ad Litem (GAL), Julie Friedrich, and her recommendation to re...