Monday, August 12, 2019

Grazzini-Rucki Case: Is the Public Getting the Truth or Just a Controlled Narrative?

The disempowered want change; those in power want predictability and consistency. The more you can guarantee predictability and consistency to those in power, the more those in power will reward you.

Those who report the news and shape public narratives are of particular interest to US oligarchs, who bought up the old media long ago and are doing everything in their power to secure influence over the new media as well...Because whoever controls the narrative controls the world.” - Caitlin Johnstone, “How the Media Controls the Narrative that Controls the World”: 

Media coverage of the Grazzini-Rucki case has become just as controversial as the case itself. Allegations of domestic abuse, the family court covering up abuse and various forms of government corruption are all a part of this case...yet are being ignored in the mainstream news and commentary covering the case. 

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki has not only spoken out about the injustices she experienced but has provided a large volume of evidence to support her claims, including court records, social service records, police reports, investigative reports, witness statements and more. It is due to the brave efforts of those willing to look deeper into the Grazzini-Rucki case – independent reporters, researchers, bloggers and silent whistle blowers – that the facts have finally been revealed, and documentation made available to the public. The facts support a startling truth – that Sandra and the five Rucki children have suffered horribly, and had their lives destroyed, first by domestic violence and then by a court and legal system that has acted in complicity with an identified perpetrator of their abuse.

Mainstream media has reported on the Grazzini-Rucki case on a very limited scope, omitting a large body information and parroting a single narrative – that Sandra is a vengeful ex-wife who hid her children as a way to spite a sympathetic ex-husband, David Rucki. The media is not talking about Rucki's abuse of Sandra and the children, and his lifelong history of violence. The testimony of the children, and their abuse allegations, and other reports substantiating abuse also suppressed. Mainstream media is not talking about the illegal and unethical actions of Minnesota's court and legal system in this case, that the vast body of evidence suggests that corruption could be occurring. Mainstream media has filtered the facts of the Grazzini-Rucki case, and suppressed information that does not support the “official narrative” they are pushing onto an impressionable public. Without hard evidence to support assertions, mainstream media uses a “because we said so” bravado to report under false pretenses.

A disturbing pattern has emerged suggesting efforts are being made to control information released to the public about the Grazzini-Rucki case:

· On April 8, 2016, ABC “20/20” featured an episode called “Footprints in the Snow” about sisters, Samantha and Gianna Rucki, who ran away during a custody dispute in April 2013; allegations of abuse were raised by both girls and ignored by the family court who sought to reunite them with the father, David Rucki, they feared. ABC has been accused of suppressing evidence of abuse in it's coverage of the Grazzini-Rucki case. Documentation has been leaked that shows that ABC had possession of evidence that was not included in its reporting on the case. Red Herring Alert blog both reported on, and provided evidence, that ABC 20/20 was given extension documentation about the Grazzini-Rucki case, and omitted crucial facts in telling the story. Did 20/20 manipulate the Rucki story to hide abuse?  and Footprints in the Snow or Wild Goose Chase? Did ABC 20/20 Edit Audio Recordings to Suppress Evidence of Abuse in the Grazzini-Rucki Case? Pt. 1 
· Two blogs – Red Herring Alert and Carver County Corruption - both offering news and commentary, and sharing documentation, about the Grazzini-Rucki case have been removed from the internet after threats of legal action from David Rucki, and the attorneys representing him.David Rucki claims indigence, hires two private lawyers
· The owner of the Red Herring Alert blog, Dede Evavold, has not only been threatened with civil lawsuit for Rucki as a result of reporting on the case but has also been jailed for posting articles and fought her right to report on the case all the way up to Minnesota's appellate court. The reason why Red Herring Alert cannot be accessed is because Rucki finally succeeded in removing the blog from the internet, with the assistance of the Dakota County court who has acted in violation to Evavold's right to free speech, and right to petition the government for redress of grievances. First Amendment 
· In June 2016, the owner of the Carver County Corruption (CCC) blog was threatened with a civil lawsuit by an attorney representing David Rucki and subsequently removed the blog from the internet. The web address of the CCC blog has been high jacked by Rucki's personal blogger, who now uses the name and address of CCC to trick anyone wanting to read another perspective on the case to visit his blog, where he spreads disinfo on the case.
· Immediately following the removal of the CCC blog, an interview occurred at the Lakeville police department with Samantha Rucki. S.R. ran away in April 2013 after the family court failed to protect her from abuse. She remained in hiding with her sister for two years before being discovered. S.R. 's story has always been consistent – she was a victim to, and witnessed, domestic abuse perpetrated by her father and wanted to be kept safe. During the interview, it was revealed that S.R. was reading the CCC blog and had knowledge of her parents' divorce. S.R. also stated that her father and paternal aunt pressured her to recant abuse allegations. Lakeville Police Dept Docs and  Pressured, Threatened S. Rucki Bravely Speaks Out Against “Horrendous” Family Court
· An advocate for judicial accountability, who watched part of the criminal trial involving Grazzini-Rucki and has written about the case says,”This writer has written previously on the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Matter in Dakota County Minnesota, but your government has seen fit to scrub those articles from the internet. (Main Stream Media (MSM) has seen fit to not publish this writer’s previous articles on the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki matter.) In total, almost 200 of this writer’s blogs and several hundred of his posts and articles have been scrubbed from the Internet...HON or POS? Is Dakota County MN suspending the Rule of Law in the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki matter? 
·  Journalist, Michael Volpe, has been threatened by Dr. Paul Reitman. Dr. Reitman is the psychologist who diagnosed Grazzini-Rucki with “parental alienation” after meeting her and the five children for just 30 minutes. Dr. Reitman prescribed foster care for the Rucki children and then de-programming and reunification therapy to “cure” them of alienation. The allegations of abuse raised by the children were ignored by Dr. Reitman. In an e-mail to Volpe, Dr. Reitman stated,I'm making $250000 a year working on cases like yours you son of a b****'s." This is a fact, as revealed in court records from Dr. Reitman's divorce, he reports his income to be $20,833 per month. Reitman also threatened physical violence against Volpe,”... Khan bring it home come see me let's have it out..” Approximately 50 e-mails were sent to Volpe from Dr. Reitman, another stated,”I'm waiting for you you mother sucker I know who you are you're a coward you're a pimp you are Hoare...Listen to me you and ramis go find a job you were firing as a cop you are a moron and incompetent idiot come see me I wanna take you on right now...No you won't respond cause you're a coward your horse Sandra is camping somebody."  Dr. Reitman is licensed psychologist with a PhD who, in identifying and referring to a former patient, as a “horse” who is being pimped out is not only disgusting..but also a violation of the  APA ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGISTS AND CODE OF CONDUCT  Reitman Claims Court Bias Against Sandra Grazzini-Rucki 
· Sandra Grazzini-Rucki attempted to file a restraining order against Michael Brodkorb on two previous occassions. Brodkorb formerly worked as an online troll – he was paid to create smear campaigns and spread negative information against political targets. He also is a former reporter but has not worked for any media outlet since attaching himself to David Rucki, and exclusively covering the case 24/7 on his blog. Both restraining orders filed against Brodkorb were dismissed. In a strange twist, Minnesota's courts protect Brodkorb's right to free speech but deny the right to Dede Evavold – who has been punished for what Brodkorb is allowed to do. Brodkorb's blogging has been defended as being the result of “persistent journalism”. Brodkorb also says the HRO violates his 1st Amendment right to free speech; and that allegations are an attempt to get him to stop reporting on the case. These are the same arguments Evavold has raised in court but failed to persuade the judges of Minnesota, who granted the HRO against her filed by David Rucki (who filed on behalf of all 5 children, even the adult children who by law are required to file separate HRO petitions) and another filed by Brodkorb.
· The result of the harassment orders issued against Evavold could set a precedent for other cases of free speech and blogger's rights, creating a justification for courts to jail people and prevent them from writing articles, sharing articles or sharing social media posts.
· Evavold was ordered to remove posts from her blog relating to the Grazzini-Rucki case. The order was extended to remove hundreds of articles – even those not mentioning the case. Eventually the entire Red Herring Alert blog was removed from the internet.

Is the public getting the whole truth about the Grazzini-Rucki case or just a carefully written narrative from those with the most to hide?

The Best Interest of the Abuser: GAL Julie Friedrich

(Dakota County, Minn: 9/05/2012) A deeper look into Dakota County Guardian ad Litem (GAL), Julie Friedrich, and her recommendation to re...